Boris Pintado's artworks at the Wishbone art gallery in Montreal

Fil d'horizons

In the form of a Pop-Up, Boris Pintado's exhibition "Fil d'horizons" unveils a succession of variations in thematic continuity, where each piece constitutes a graphite study related to the sea of his childhood.

Each of these compositions is traversed by a blue thread, symbolizing the essence of this series and the tangible connection uniting the entire exhibition. Integrated into the scenography, this blue line evokes the continuous flow of waves, which take shape vertically, encouraging contemplation of the elusive.

Boris Pintado

From March 23rd to April 7th 2024

''I grew up on a small island surrounded by cliffs. The presence of the sea could be felt in the air, hidden somewhere behind the hills. Approaching the coastline through narrow and winding roads, the sea suddenly appeared: a blue horizon, like a thread stretched between mineral walls.

Inspired by this vision, a blue thread is stretched from one wall to another in the gallery space. Its winding path evokes the ebb and flow of thought. It is the thread of Ariadne in the labyrinth of memories. And when the thread crosses the frame, it activates the drawing: the abstraction of graphite lines becomes a landscape.

Finally, the thread also suggests fragility because, like many other places, these landscapes of my childhood are now subject to multiple assaults. Unfortunately, their preservation often hangs by a thread.''