Christian de Massy's artworks at the Wishbone art gallery in Montreal


Artist shown: 
From October 19th to November 19th 2023




The Wishbone art Gallery presents Phorésie: symbiose de l’animalerie humaine, the first solo exhibition by artist Christian de Massy (Montreal, Canada).

Phoresis, a natural phenomenon where an organism attaches itself to its host to be transported to new horizons, arises from a voluntary alliance between beings. It gives rise to unique, unrealistic cohabitations and paradoxical connections. De Massy pushes the boundaries of imagination to unravel current power dynamics.

The works, initially conceived digitally and then translated through various mediums, harbour characters and elements that challenge the infinite and the natural hierarchy. With a background in biology and ecology, inseparable domains in his artistic practice, de Massy describes himself not as the creator of these environments but rather as a witness to this soft universe of absurdity. The paths of interpretation are manifold, and their complexity invites us to decipher them, to attempt to follow a unique meaning for each. Some pathways evoke eco-futuristic reflections, while others align with modern surrealism.

Through mastery of perspective, depth, and composition, de Massy opens the doors for us to discover a universe where phoretic beings multiply; the menagerie is a daily occurrence, and humans live in symbiosis with their environment.

- Anna Staub | Curator (New York City)